Friday, March 4, 2011

Soon There Will Be Spring Blooms



I can hardly wait until the woods start greening again
and the Jack In The Pulpits will be growing.


Violets will be blooming covering the forest floors.


The wild Phlox will add their blooms to the mix.


And the wild Columbines will be blooming along
the creek in the gorge.


The Cinnamon Ferns will be growing in the shady
hollers and sending up shoots of brown.


The Tiarella Foam Flowers will bloom their
tiny white blooms.


Wild Geraniums will be blooming along the paths.


Bluebells will be decked out with their blooms of blue.



The funny blooms of Dutchmen's Breeches will 
be hanging down.

CH_DowneyYellowViolets_4_14  There will be blooms of yellow from the Downey Violets.



And white Trilliums will be everywhere around the rocky cliffs.


  1. Such an array of gorgeousness in your forests and on the cliffs. :D

  2. Hi Lona,

    I absolutely loved your blog site. I hope you don't mind my adding your blog sites to my blog roll.


  3. Srappy Grams: So glad that you dropped by. I live in a very gorgeous spot in Ohio. I am wanting it to warm up so bad so I can get out and get some new pictures to share.

    Asha: Hello and I am so glad you found my blogs. I am honored to be on your blog roll and will be over to visit your blog. Thanks for dropping by.

  4. Such beautiful forest flowers! You should be a tour guide for the hocking hills to point out all the beautiful flora.

  5. I enjoyed your photos. I used to live in Logan so I am pretty familiar with your area. Now I have a garden in Florida. Both places do have their own challenges and rewards.

  6. I love the little violets, they grow everywhere here in Tennessee. The Virginia Bluebells are a favorite, and I am trying to get some going here in a woodland garden. Great photos as always!

  7. These native woodland blooms are absolutely beautiful! I am lucky enough to have several of these in my backyard garden in what I call "my woodland edge." I hope to see them growing as happily as these you have pictured. I love a walk in the woods, thank you!


" In Nature the Hand of God is Shown Daily"

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