Friday, July 24, 2009

Learning to Walk Up Sides of Trees

I was watching out my kitchen window at a mama Red Bellied
Woodpecker teaching her young one.
Poor thing was hanging on for dear life and a little shaky.

She was being so patient with it and coaxing it on.

Showing it how to peck at the tree and look or food.

I could not help but wish it was from one of the eggs I help
to rescue from the nasty Grackle this Spring.

Isn't it so fluffy and cute.


  1. You get some really great shots! If only I could sit still long enough with my camera waiting for the opportunity.
    I don't know if you mention somewhere on your blog already so forgive me if you've already been asked and answered this too many times but... what kind of camera are you using? I need something with a telephoto lens and although the Canon powershot digital I use serves its purpose, we're considering "breaking the bank" for something like a Nikon D40 or above to get all the bells and whistles and ability to use a variety of lenses.

  2. I use a Canon Rebel Xti 400.
    It takes wonderful pictures but I am still learning to operate it.I need to get a stabilizer lens for it because I am too shaking anymore.


" In Nature the Hand of God is Shown Daily"

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