The Devils Bathtub at Old Mans Cave State Park in the
Hocking Hills Park system has it tall tales and urban
beliefs. When I was a child everyone told us that it had
no bottom. This tale does tend to make you keep your
distance from it, especially children who may fall in and
could drown. Its slick walls that have been carved in by the swirling waters makes it a dangerous place to
fall into. In reality it is only several feet deep.
Upper Creek that runs into the Devils Bathtub
Bridge and walkway over the Devils Bathtub.
The Devils Bathtub
A Floating Bride can also be a work of art.
A Note to visitors:
Please remember to keep to the marked trails while
visiting all of the Hocking Hills Parks.
It is not only for your protection while hiking through the
park but it keeps the wear and tear on the park to a
minimum so others may enjoy its natural beauty for
generations to come.
Do not leave your trash thrown about in the parks
it could be dangerous to wildlife in the park,
looks unsightly and is a state fine if caught littering.
Water bottles, soda cans, wrappers and even wet socks
are not to be left along the trails.
Take out what you carry in.
Do not pick or destroy any of the vegetation in the
parks this is prohibited and it also is essential to
the ecosystem and wildlife that lives in the park.
In a word respect what nature has built so that
other may be able to enjoy it for years to come.
Thank you, Lona