We are into a thaw right now so it was the perfect time of the evening for the little visitor to sneak some food from the cats. The face that only a mother would love on this opossum.
The Hocking Hills " Winter Hike" will be held this Saturday January 16, 2010. With the cold weather and snow it should make for a beautiful hike and some marvelous picture taking opportunities. Continuous starts from 9 to 11 am... The six mile hike starts from Old Man's Cave to Ash Cave. A shuttle bus will provide hikers a ride back to Old Man's Cave.
An American Robin hunts worms
An American Robin (*Turdus migratorius*) with a just-captured earthworm.
Last week, Shauna and I traveled to the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area on a
Is Anybody Out there?
Please leave me a comment if you still have this blog in your feed reader!
I'm thinking of picking this back up again for spring. Should I? Here are a
few ...
Top Ten Life Plants of 2018
Hello? Tap, tap, tap...this thing on? Whew, it's been a minute since I've
been on here. Just over a year, actually. Definitely the longest hiatus
since thi...
Getting back into the groove (?)
As summer draws to a close, I find that I haven't taken very many pictures
during this hot, humid, crazy season. I still have quite a backlog from