With the cold temperatures the ice was starting to form at the parks in the Hockings Hills State Park system which would have added to the beauty of the Winter Hike that is being held on Saturday, January 19th.
Ash Cave
But with the warmer temperatures this week the ice will be melting and falling from the cliff walls and the falls areas in the parks.
On my walk last week the falls at Ash Cave was already melting and ice could be heard falling along the cliffs.
And the pool at the base of the falls was not building up into the pillar of ice that is often seen in colder years as in the picture below.
Ash Cave pillar below the falls 2010
Melting snow was seen blowing from the limbs of the giant pines along the trail at Ash Cave and shimmered in the sunlight.
Ash Cave Gorge Trail

At Cedar Falls it was colder in the gorge so the ice was not melting as fast upon the cliff walls.

But the falls itself at Cedar Falls which catches the sunlight was not frozen very much at all except for a few icicles here and there.

Cedar Falls in 2010
With the warmer temperatures this week these beautiful ice formations will be gone so although we do not welcome cold weather, for the upcoming hike and the hikers seeing the beauty of the parks in winter and for the Winter Hike we hope that the cold temperatures return for them.